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Warcraft Wordpress
Keymaster[wowhead id=”169223″]
Warcraft Wordpress
KeymasterWarcraft Wordpress
A new achievement has been added for collecting 300 mounts, Lord of the Reins. Completing the achievement awards a mount, the Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent.
A new achievement has been added for collecting 200 toys, Crashin’ Thrashin’ Commander. Completing the achievement awards the title, “Crashin’ Thrashin’”.
Naval Mechanics: Credit for obtaining Equipment Blueprint: Blast Furnace should now be tracking properly and players should now be able to complete this achievement.Warcraft Wordpress
KeymasterTimewalking Rewards
Players now receive a Timewarped Badge when they complete a Timewalking dungeon. These badges can be redeemed at new vendors that appear during a Timewalking bonus event. The new vendors sell new toys, new mounts, heirloom and reputation tokens, in addition to gear that scales up to the character’s level at the time of purchase.Timewalking Loot Changes
Timewalking bosses who had unusual drops, such as Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake, now have a chance to drop those items when defeated while Timewalking.Warcraft Wordpress
Devastate now deals 6% more damage.
Shield Slam now deals 6% more damage.
Revenge now deals 6% more damage.
Armor Sets
Tier-18 4-piece set bonus for Fury Warriors now reduces the cooldown of Recklessness by 30 seconds (up from 25 seconds).Warcraft Wordpress
Corruption now deals 10% less damage in PvP combat.
Agony now deals 10% less damage in PvP combat.
Unstable Affliction now deals 10% less damage in PvP combat.Warcraft Wordpress
Devouring Plague now deals 10% more damage. In PvP combat, Devouring Plague now deals 10% less damage.
Mind Blast now deals 10% more damage. In PvP combat, Mind Blast now deals 10% less damage.
Mind Flay now deals 20% more damage.
Mind Spike now deals 10% more damage. In PvP combat, Mind Spike now deals 10% less damage.Warcraft Wordpress
KeymasterTooltips for items that have been empowered or created by Baleful tokens now have a Baleful and/or Empowered tag.
Baleful rings, neck trinkets, and cloaks should now always create an item that has Bonus Armor for Tanking loot specializations, and Spirit for Healing loot specializations.
Brazier of Awakening should no longer despawn at the end of a raid encounter without resurrecting a raid or party member.
Medallion of the Legion is now only usable on Draenor to ensure players receives the appropriate reputation bonus from having a Level 3 Trading Post.
Reins of the Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent no longer has a reputation requirement with The August Celestials to learn.Warcraft Wordpress
Toy Box
A Darkmoon Seesaw is now available from the Darkmoon Faire.
Cursed Feather of Ikzan has been added to the Toy Box.
Safari Hat has been added to the Toy Box.
Shard of Archstone has been added to the Toy Box.
Throbbing Blood Orb has been added to the Toy Box.Warcraft Wordpress
KeymasterShadowmoon Valley
Weaponsmith Kaul should now be able to repair the player’s equipment.
Darkmoon Island
Darkmoon Rabbit should now correctly respect loot rules.Warcraft Wordpress
KeymasterBehind the doors of the outdoors version of Hellfire Citadel awaits a new rare elite with a special drop for world PvP enthusiasts, the Spike-Toed Booterang.
Go beyond the dark portal on a flying mount to find three new rare elite Bleeding Hollow orcs that have a chance of dropping one of three new Crashin’ Thrashin’ toys.
Steelsnout should now be correctly immune to being trapped by Deadly Iron Trap.Warcraft Wordpress
KeymasterIn-Game World Events
A number of improvements and new additions have been made to the Hallow’s End and Feast of Winter Veil world events.
AshranInterior of the Armory at Stormshield should now be correctly furnished.
Removed a stack of objects floating outside of the Armory at Stormshield.
Frostfire RidgeCartographers have been notified and corrected a spelling error on the world map.
Warcraft Wordpress
KeymasterTimewalking Loot Changes
Timewalking bosses who had unusual drops, such as Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake, now have a chance to drop those items when defeated while Timewalking.
Hellfire Citadel
Fixed an issue where players are not added back to the threat list after dropping out of combat and accepting a battle resurrection.
Fixed an issue where Hellfire Assault: Spoils of the Assault chest could incorrectly appear to be already open.Warcraft Wordpress
KeymasterBug Fixes
The flight path offered by Tina Kelatara to take players from Warspear Outpost back to Stormshield Hold should no longer go through a wall.
Fixed an issue where Seer Kazal could sometimes not appear correctly in the Garrisons of new level 100 characters.Warcraft Wordpress
Aviana’s Feather should no longer incorrectly require the character to have obtained Draenor Pathfinder in order to function on Draenor.
Felfume Cloth Armor 4-piece set bonus for damage dealers should no longer incorrectly trigger from Polymorph.
Tiny Abomination in a Jar no longer incorrectly has a chance to trigger from extra Blade Flurry hits. -